Saturday, 4 December 2010

New media and visual culture.

- 'Late age of print' - the age of print began around 1450.
- Gutenbergs printing press; starts the age of print, mass reproduction.
- Computers built to hold important information eg. business. 
- Suggestion that all books will be digital in the coming years.
- New age signals the death of the author. 
- The way we read has changed because of computer media. 
- Hypermedia - gives a sense of control. 
- Change in the way we interact. 
- Criticism for mass media; superficial, uncritical, trivial.
viewing figures measure success. 
audience is dispersed. 
audience is disempowered. 
encourages the status quo (it's conservative)
newspapers/tv always wins. 
mass media is social control. 
society can not be changed. 
- Positive criticism; not all mass media is low quality. Social problems and injustices are discussed by the media. 

Artists use of mass media.
- Oliviero Toscani, Benneton campaign.]
- Unity, disaster, horror; politics related campaign? 
- 'Leeds 13'
- Mass media can be used to gain status. 
- Should art be autonomous? 
- Jackson Pollock - aesthetic freedom. 
- Artists are not above material concerns. 
- Picasso used mass media. 
- Richard Hamilton. 
- Pop art used mass media.
- Roy Liechtenstein. 
- Backlash against pop art; superficial?
- Andy Warhol; meditations on the idea of people as a consumer product. Colours of product design.
- Marilyn's; false representation of the person she was?