Monday, 7 November 2011

Lecture three; Marxism & design activism.

Marxism is - a political manifesto, leading to socialism, communism and the twentieth century conflicts between capital and labour. 
A philosophical approach to the social sciences, which focuses on the role of society in determining human behaviour, based on the concept of dialectical materialism. 

Capitalism is - control of the means of production in private hands.
A market where labour power is bought and sold. 
Production of commodities for sales.
Use of money as a means of exchange. 

Communist evolution; 
Primitive communism 
Slave society

Marx's concept of base/superstructure.
Forces of production - materials, tools, workers, skills
Relations of production - employer, employee, class, master, slave

Social institutions - legal, political, cultural
Forms of consciousness - 'the history of all hithero existing society is the history of class struggles' 

Base > determines content and form of > superstructure > reflects form of and legitimises > base.

System of ideas or beliefs
Masking, distortion or selection of ideas, to reinforce power relations, through creation of 'false consciousness' 
Society = economic, political and ideological. 
Ideology is a practice through which men and women 'live' their relations to real conditions of existence. 
Ideology offers false, but seemingly true resolutions to social imbalance.

The media as ideological state apparatus
A means of production. 
Disseminates the views of the ruling class.
Media creates a false consciousness.
The individual is produced by nature.

How does advertising effect us?
What examples of graphic design could be determined by social or political factors?

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