Thursday, 9 February 2012

Lecture ten; Deleuze and Guattari and creativity.

- Social life as a construct that keeps changing. 
- How induvidual people may consider changing themselves. 
- Deleuze and Guattari are people who examined social change. 
- The idea of a sign is constructed through a pattern of usage to different languages. 
- The assembledge: organisation, fitting together, bringing together. (A formation).
- How is the language system set so that we respond in certain ways? 
- Hoodies form an essembledge of bodies and the language shown through their appearance creates an atmosphere. 
- Events may produce changes in the way that these people are viewed. 
- The tabloids can change the view of these assembledges. 
- Our sense of self is always under construction. 
- The word 'I' is empty and can only be apropriated to different people. 
- For Freud, we are shaped as a child based on the relationship we have with our parents. 

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