Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Lecture two; Technology will liberate us.

Books to look at;
Digital currents
Art in the age of mechanical reproduction
Art in the age of mass media 
Simulacra and simulation

- Technological conditions can effect the collective consciousness.
- Technology triggers important changes in cultural development.
[insert pictures here]
- Anything that is copied isn't always the same as the original. 

Machine age; modernism
- Walter benjamin - the emergence of technology and art. 
- Photograms were the early experiments with photography. 
- Marx brings about the fact that technology changes the value of things eg. is a copy worth as much as the original. 
- Consumerism brings down the value in a sense. 
- Photography moves something into a new context which changes the value.
- Something that came with photography was kineticism , the idea of movement. 
- Richard Hamilton - using technology to re-create image. 
- How you style something determines if it rests within art of design.

Electronic age; postmodernism
- The computer is a natural metaphor.
- We consume the technology and create new techniques. 
- Collaborations between art and science. 

Simulation and simulacrum 
- Reflection of profound reality. 
(Jean Baudrillard 1981)
- It distorts reality and is confusing because its the decision of what is real and what is not. 
- Word of mouth masks the absence of what is real because we believe what we are told. 
- Nam June Pauek; uses technology as an art form. 

John Walker; art and mass media 
- Art uses mass media.
- At what point does art become design?

Digital age
- Digital potential leads to multimedia productions.
- New contexts.
- Used for installations eg. projections (Jenny Holser)
- New technologies make it easier to reproduce without going through a whole process. 

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