- Panopticon; Jeremy Benthan.
- The Panopticon is used more subtly in modern day eg. the lecture theatre.
Key features;
- Isolation
- Invisibility/visibility
- Productivity
- Modern disciplinary society 'docile bodies' making people become productive, obedient and self regulating.
- Physical ---> Mental control, as times have moved on there has become a shift in ways of control.
- A modern day swimming pool is Panoptic as a safety feature because people are aware they are being watched by a lifeguard.
- Power is a relationship that works both ways. It relies on one person not retaliating against the other.
- The perfect life and body; advertising works in a Panoptic manner because there is the view we are constantly being watched in everyday life.
- The relationship with your parents is Panoptic because there are certain things you would do around them and also certain things you wouldn't.
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